Father: Do you want to get married to this man?
Daughter: Silent *with head looking at the floor*
Situation 2
Father:Do you want to get married to this man?
Daughter: Silent *face on the father's face and smiling*
What is the difference between these two situations? With one simple question yet different responses. Malays said that if you are being asked and you give a silence, it means your answer is YES. Situation 1 resembles the unwillingness of the daughter to get married. Maybe she is forced to and can't do anything so silence is the best way of reacting to the question.Situation 2 says different thing when the daughter still silent but she's smiling..and this is a yes for that question for it is inappropriate if a girl excitedly say yes with a scream and what not. It's a Malay thingy..
Sometimes, it is hard for us to say what we are thinking. It is hard to deny and say NO. What more if we are talking to our bosses, parents and people who are 'standing' on us. When we have fights with our loved ones, and can't afford to have more of them even though we are hurt, silence is the best option. It is not agreeing to what they are doing but to give some ways for so that the situation will not get any worse.
So yeah..I am keeping myself down, being away from you so that you will get what you want. I can't afford to have another fight at this moment and I am not able to listen to you saying me being selfish and can't understand you and your situation. I have had enough of that and now I won't say anything...as you wish.
"Silence is the best answer for all questions" "Smiling is the best reaction in all situations"