Since i have my little red, i've never feel bored anymore. While waiting for Encik Azlan to be free from his work and for us to 'get together' (through phone je pun ;p), playing my little red is the thing that i do. Sometimes i think i've spend a big sum of money to buy my little red but thinking of how frequent i use it and how i am addicted to games, i think it's worth to spend BIG on this thing which i will use everyday and very2 frequent huhu. When i woke up, I'll grab my little red beside my pillow. When i go to work, I'll spend some times playing my little red. After the evening, take my little red out from my bag and here i go lying on my bed playing it. Before i went to sleep, it's my little red that i will find and play. Even though my eyes were like want to close, i'm still pressing the keypad until i can't stand keeping my eyes open anymore hehe.
Last week when i went to Sitiawan to attend a wedding of my friend, i gave my little red to Encik Azlan for him to play because he also wants to buy one. So the purpose of me giving him my little red to play is for him to see whether he actually has the time to spend playing games or not since he is a so very busy man for a so very important post in his department/unit. When Encik Azlan see, touch and play my little red, he said i am almost succeed in persuading him to buy one huuuu. Yeah..he likes or should i say loves games too..that's why my little red is very tempting to him huuu. So for this few weeks, my little red is under Encik Azlan's attention. Hope my mission accomplished; Encik Azlan recognized whether he need one or not soon as he passed my little red ;)
The second happy thing that makes me smile is when I went to Sitiawan last weekend. Went there to attend my friend's wedding (but I think more on meeting Encik Azlan ;p). So on the whole weekend i spend most of the time 'lepaking' with Encik Azlan. On Sunday night, Encik Azlan's sister invites me to have dinner at her place. The best part of the eating part is the chicken (we heve been served with chicken rice,home made for sure). The chicken is well marinated that it taste sooooooo delicious..yummy2! Another best thing that night is me playing and watching Encik Azlan's niece and nephew playing around. Watching them playing and play with them put a smile on my face for all the time we were there. Soooo best sgt hehe.
Zafran and Nina
Cute eh? ;p
Me looking forward the happy things to be done and experienced. No more sadness or bad things to think about *wink*